Quagi pictures
- Details
- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Antennas
- Hits: 1364
In a USB key that was laying since years in a drawer,I found some old pictures of both the design and the construction of the antenna that I described in the article: Quagi 8 elements 432MHz. I though to publish some of them, may be because some are weird, maybe because some are useful and might help or to other U/VHF antenna homemakers.
Hope you'll aprreciate my effort...
Spectrum Software: the simulation software Micro-Cap is now free (alternative download)
- Details
- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: News
- Hits: 3494
The English software house "Spectrum Software" shut down on July 4th, 2019. Spectrum Software developed since 1981 the wellknown simulation environment Micro-Cap, whose latest and last release is no. 12. As final act, Spectrum Software donated to the engineering and scientific community their powerful software:
Read more: Spectrum Software: the simulation software Micro-Cap is now free (alternative download)
New Year's Day curiosity about RufzXP
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: News
- Hits: 2095
RufzXP is a software package used in High Speed Telegraphy (HST) championships, very useful also to any radio amateur to practice the recognition of callsigns at increasing CW speed.
Well the New Year's Day RufzXP curiosity is...
100W UHF 400--470MHZ Amplifier Power Amplifier Board For Ham Radio DIY Kits (English version)
- Details
- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Electronics and radiofrequency
- Hits: 17294
We are now talking about a very interesting mounting kit, cheap but, unfortunately, completely undocumented. There are a few web sites managed by smart radio amateurs that make up for the lack of information while, in my small way, I am publishing some pictures of my assembly, together with some personal comments. This Chinese kit does not suite well to new bees but, if you are quite skilled with SMD components soldering, you can build the amplifier even if you are not an RF electronics specialist.
Where are the application forms for WAIP award?
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: News
- Hits: 2320
WAIP1.pdf | WAIP2.pdf |
WAIP1.doc | WAIP2.doc |
WAIP, Worked All Italian Provinces, is probably the most popular and exciting Italian award for radio amateurs. It was estabilished several years ago by ARI, Associazione Radioamatori Italiani, the Italian amateur radio society, and it is so popular that it survided the abolition of the provinces in Italy.
My hex beam
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: News
- Hits: 2241
Time ago, I told you about my intention to buy a hex beam antenna. Well, I bought it. Here you are my hex beam at sunset...
ER/IK1HGE. QRT for 2019. Send your QSL cards now.
- Details
- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Moldova ER/IK1HGE
- Hits: 1311
On Aug. 29th, 2019 I made my last QSO from Moldova for this year. QRT! It is time to send your direct QSL cards with Self-Addressed Envelope (SAE) and reimbursement for the post stamps (green stamps). You'll find my postal address in the usual places of the net.
The cost of post stamps are:
- Europe and Mediterranean sea area: 1,15 Euros (2 USD)
- Asia, America, Africa: 2,40 Euros (3 USD) (Japan and USA, this is your case!)
- Oceania: free (I don't have so many QSOs)
By the way, the logbook is made of paper, no LotW, no Clublog, no eqsl, no OQRS, etc. I only reply to true QSL cards.
QSL cards via bureau are also ok but take into account that I can reply only once a year and that, after two years, I haven't yet received any QSL card via bureau for the 2017 activity. Therefore, I suppose that it'll take no less than 5 years for you to get my QSL card via bureau.
Have a great DX season!
Moldova: Activity 2019 ER/IK1HGE
- Details
- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Moldova ER/IK1HGE
- Hits: 1344
I'm going to be active as ER/IK1HGE from Republic of Moldova in August 2019 (not yet ssure about dates), on all HF amateur radio bands from 80 m to 10 m, CW and SSB with 100 W, a G5RV antenna and/or dipoles homebrewed on the field in case of need.
QSL via IK1HGE, via bureau or direct to my italian address. Keep in mind that I can send out the QSLs via bureau only once a year, normally in October.
Be informed also that, starting this year, I'm no more immediately sending out all the QSL cards upon my return home, as I did in the past years, rather I'll just reply to your QSLs. Furthermore, I will not send back the contributions for the postage, but will use them to buy the post stamps, as well as SASEs (from Italy) and SAEs. Actually, it never happened that an italian thought to send a self stamped envelope to me, and never happened that a german thought not to send me a new IRC or 2 USDs (that I have just sent back, up to now). It must just be casuality...
IF the SASE is missing or the postage contribution is not enough to buy the post stamp, I just reply via bureau.
Since I have no PC in Moldova, my station logbook is made of paper. So, only if I have time to copy it into an electronic format, I also upload the QSOs to ClubLog, else I won't.
No LotW, no eqsl, no OQRS, no whatever other form of either real or virtual QSL service.
I plan to be active during the YO DX HF contest, presumibly sop CW. Look for me and spot my frequency, please!
Stay tuned for possible further news...
- HF choke balun homebrewing (1:1 current mode balun)
- Sunspots number forecast and hf propagation prediction
- G3TXQ Silent Key
- Replacement of RJ45 modular mic connector
- Emergency earthquake Abruzzo 2009 (Italy)
- Italian radio amateurs now on 60 meters band (5 MHz band)
- Yaesu FT-450AT for sale
- ER/IK1HGE 2018 operations completed
- Online DXCC - how much is it?
- High voltage anode power supply 3500 - 4000 V
- ER/IK1HGE Moldova
- The legend of the letter to ARRL to subscribe to Logbook of the World (LotW)
- How much does a Skylab antenna gain? (alias Starduster M-400)
- 70MHz 4 elements Quagi antenna
- Quagi 8 elements 432MHz
- Moncalvo amateur radio flea market 2018
- ik1hge.com on the road again!
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