Yaesu FT-450AT for sale
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Flea market
- Hits: 2799

For sale Yaesu FT-450AT with manuals in English and Italian, and with original packaging. The equipment is dated 2008, I bought it as a second hand item on Aug 10th, 2018 because my own RTX was in maintenanace and I needed a radio for my holidays. I used it for three weeks, having a chance to test almost everything in the HF bands with a G5RV antenna, therefore I can say that, based on my experience, the RTX is perfectly workable and in very good aesthetical condition. It has an internal automatic antenna tuner that tunes up antennas mismatched up to SWR 1:3.
ER/IK1HGE 2018 operations completed
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Moldova ER/IK1HGE
- Hits: 1383
On Aug. 31, 2018 I had my last QSO from Moldova. The antenna was dismantled and equipment is back to European Union. I made enough QSOs for an ad-hoc QSL to be printed. It'll take a month or so. If you need your confirmation earlier, drop a message to me.
Thank you everybody!
Online DXCC - how much is it?
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: News
- Hits: 2247
August 13th, 2018
After so many years, I am now inspired by the DXCC. I really want to hang the DXCC award to a wall of my shack! Well, though I never minded about it, wanted or not, during all these years I've collected QSL cards coming from much more than the 100 countries needed to submit the application; thus, I've chosen 100 QSLs, I've filled in whatever is needed for the "Online DXCC application" (the most cost effective) and I'm ready to check out. Surprise! The bill is 57 (read FIFTYSEVEN) cute dollars! You don't believe me, do you? Here you are the snapshot:
High voltage anode power supply 3500 - 4000 V
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Electronics and radiofrequency
- Hits: 1843
This article is not for beginners. Specific electrical/electronics education is required as well as experience in the field of medium and high voltage circuits..
Observe all suitable precautions and safety rules. If you are wondering what they are, it means that this project is not for you!
ER/IK1HGE Moldova
- Details
- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Moldova ER/IK1HGE
- Hits: 1445
I'm active from Republic of Moldova as ER/IK1HGE.
My working conditions consist of a wire G5RV antenna and a 100 W transceiver. I should be operating on all bands from 10 m to 80 m in SSB. If I find some room in my suitcase for my postal tapper, I'll be active in CW too. No PC, thus no digital modes.
If you want the QSL via bureau, send your one via IK1HGE. Direct QSLs must be sent to my Italian address, which you'll find easily.
I don't expect that, with the operating conditions that I told you and in a period of minimum sun activity, I'll collect several QSOs, but who knows...
Look for me on air!
UPDATE AUG. 22 - 2018
I am mainly working on 40 m and 80 m CW. I am about to install a dipole for 20 m. My Key is giving some troubles to me. Be patient if it gets stuck sometimes. I have no tools to fix it.
UPDATE AUG. 31 - 2018
End of activity from Moldova.
The legend of the letter to ARRL to subscribe to Logbook of the World (LotW)
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: News
- Hits: 2773
The instructions about how to subscribe to Logbook of the World (LotW), by the US Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL), are a little confusing and somehow contradictory, depending on where exactly you retrieve them. ARRL website says one thing, "Trusted QSL" (TQSL) software says another thing, on the several radio amateur web sites we can read interesting tails but, the most amazing stories could be found in the several hamradio forums and discussion groups. I subscribed to LotW in May 2018 as non-US radio amateur; I just downloaded TQSL and installed it. Then...
Read more: The legend of the letter to ARRL to subscribe to Logbook of the World (LotW)
How much does a Skylab antenna gain? (alias Starduster M-400)
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Antennas
- Hits: 3758
In the 80's, when I was 12-13 years old, I used to be a CBer, with a little legal transceiver by CTE International, model SSB 350, and a "Skylab" antenna. I remember that such antenna was advertised as an outstanding gain one, up to 7 dBi, or something like that. Today, I took the opportunity to verify with NEC2 if the gain of a Skylab is actually so good. Here you are the outcome of my investigation...
Well, the gain is that of
Read more: How much does a Skylab antenna gain? (alias Starduster M-400)
70MHz 4 elements Quagi antenna
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- Written by: ik1hge
- Category: Antennas
- Hits: 3599
Would you like to build a simple antenna for 70 MHz band? I sized "on the fly" this 4 elements Quagi for 4 meter band, but I did not make any prototypes, yet; anybody wants to make one?
Use aluminum pipe, diameter 10mm x 1mm thickness. You find it in DIY shops in 2 meters long pieces, or in non-ferrous metals storesin 4 meters long pieces (yeah but, how are you then going to carry it to your home?) so you'll need to make at least one or two joints.
In order to make sharp corners for the loop elements, because bending the aluminum pipe with small curvature is not that easy, I kept into account a curvature radius of 30mm (three times the tube diameter). However, if you can get even a sharper corner, that's good for your antenna!
The antenna boom must be made of wood or other non-conductive material (the boom is not shown in the pictures because, beeing insulating, it's not needed in the simulation model).
Feed your antenna in the middle of an horizzontal side of the "Driven Element" (the one
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